

Hello my name is Carmine, I am the webmaster of this site.. This is more of a learning experience for me. This site will go up and down, have new faces.. new information. Just bear with me as I take this journey.


Today I added a link to Reverbnation where I have some songs listed, please visit. I have also added this Blog page,and also a new theme for the webpage.



I now added a new page called Music Page to the top menu, it shows a list of some cover songs I have downloaded to the page.. I think it looks better than the link to my Reverbnation page. I also have more options I can add

Soon to come I will be making this page a bit more social.. but that’s a bigger task, and I will be doing that behind the covers..

I just added Christmas music under my Music Page..

Today I also added a translator button and a post-it area for quick messages.

Behind the scenes I added a firewall, backup, and cleaned and tweaked the pages…

Now for dinner !! 

Take Care !!




Today my second sever arrived, yes I am a, Its a smaller server.

A Dell PowerEdge 210, its a 1 CPU (4) core unit with only 16 GB of memory and a 500 GB

hard drive




Sick today !

Woke up feeling light headed.. went back to bed and slept another hour..

Had breakfast and pushing liquids..




Took the day off yesterday from the web.. I do have a life…lol

Today I will work on the logon issues and mail.. Those were always issues in the past, but I will get through it.. it’s all a learning experience.. I need the mail function to work first then the login will be easy. I just have some smtp issues..

Later !




Last night I was able to get the User registration and mail function working..

Also,you can connect with others online. 

BTW change your password in your user settings the first time you log in..

I also added a peel on the top right, tap on it give it a look, its a link to my Buddy Al’s band.. Check them out.




I haven’t been blogging here in quite a while, I have been letting the site just run. Today I did some major upgrades. I doubled my onboard ram, and added 2 more TB drives internal, and now have an 8 TB NAS array.. It wont make thing faster for you on the outside.. I still only have 400 MG of internet and that wont be changing sometime soon.. any more bandwith and it will seriosly hurt my pocketbook. As you probably figured out I have no ads.


ok, ciao for now !!




Today I received my Cisco 3750 Cataylst Switch. I took the site down for less than 2 minutes for the switch over from my Netgear switch to the Cisco switch, sooo smooth.


enjoy, the upgrade



I just finished my makeover of the webpage. It’s starting to take shape.. I have a lot of work to do n the back-end, but that’s for another day.

Need some sleep.. Ta Ta


Well I have made some slight modifications with the sight, I have added multi language capability, and way at the bottom a link to my Facebook page. I am still working on the front-end of the page (stuff you see) but the biggest improvements are on the back-end of the page (stuff you can’t see) I have some updating to do there. So stay tuned for more..


I am updating the website remotely. I am happy to report I can do it. Today I am working on back-end issues.. Some applications needs updating.. This is tricky doing it from a remote location.  Take care all.
